Heep Hong Society
Child Development and Training

The period between birth and six years of age marks a critical phase in children development. It would be beneficial to the healthy growth of children if parents could have a better understanding of normal children’s intellectual, social and emotional, language, gross motor and fine motor development and coping skills, and arrange for timely professional assessments, training and therapies.
With over 60 service units, including early child education and training centres, special child care centres, kindergarten, parents resource centres, supportive learning project, Heep Hong Society is committed to providing professional care, education, training and family support services to children from birth to senior secondary school who have developmental and learning problems.
We believe that every child is unique and has different needs in the growing process. In the light of this, Heep Hong Society has always kept abreast of the latest and evidence-based training approaches in an effort to provide diversified and timely services for children and youth with special needs.