Heep Hong Society
Order Methods

Order Made in Person
Please refer to our book catalogue, and you can purchase publications in person at the Head Office or centres of Heep Hong Society (applicable to payment in cash only).
You can also send the complete order form to Communications Department, Heep Hong Society, Units I-L, 10/F, MG Tower, 133 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (applicable to payment by cheque) or fax the complete order form to 27761837 (applicable to payment by credit card). An official receipt will be sent to you for collecting books at centre of choice. Please contact us at 2776 3111 to confirm the availability of the items before sending off. Please bring your own shopping bag.
Online Purhase
You can visit the eShop of Heep Hong Societyto purchase some of our publications. For enquiries, please email to eshop@heephong.org
Mail Order
Mailing address in Hong Kong: Please refer to our book catalogue information, and contact us at 2776 3111 before completing the order form to confirm the availability of the items. The order form should be sent to Communications Department, Heep Hong Society, Units I-L, 10/F, MG Tower, 133 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (applicable to payment by cheque) or faxed to 2776 1837 (applicable to payment by credit card).
Mailing address in the Mainland:
Please contact
- GuangZhou
Happy Dot Bear Education Consulting Co., Ltd
Enquiry: (86)139-02248540
Email: 133188933@qq.com
Mailing address in overseas: Please refer to our book catalogue for detailed information and email us at books@heephong.org or phone us at (852)2776 3111 to confirm the availability of the items, payment methods and delivery charges.