Heep Hong Society
Professional Series
With a large team of professional staff and years of experience in serving children with developmental and learning problems and their families, Heep Hong has published the following publications and training package in Chinese to share its knowledge and experience with peer practitioners, parents and students.

Hong Kong Preschool Fine Motor Developmental Checklist
Heep Hong Society’s Occupational Therapist Team established Hong Kong Preschool Children Fine Motor Developmental Assessment (HK-PFMDA) between 2007 and 2009 and extracted items observable in the nurseries and kindergartens to compile this checklist for use by teachers. It is hoped that with this checklist, children with fine motor developmental problems in nurseries and kindergartens can be identified and referred by their teachers for proper treatment.
- Price:
- To be distributed for free to participants in relevant seminars or functions.

Hong Kong Preschool Fine Motor Screening Test (HK-PFMST) Examiner's Manual & Tools
In 2009, our Occupational Therapist Team published the Hong Kong Preschool Children Fine Motor Developmental Assessment (HK-PFMDA) Examiner's Manual, the first-ever Chinese standardised assessment based on the normative data from local children, for occupational therapists to carry out assessment on children. The Manual is widely adopted by occupational therapists since its publication. The awareness of early childhood rehabilitation service and early interference is raised in recent years. Occupational therapists need to carry out assessment for children so as to identify children with developmental delay and to provide professional training. The standardised and time-saving fine motor developmental assessment can help increasing the efficiency of therapists clinical work. Sponsored by Social Welfare Department's Social Welfare Development Fund, Heep Hong Society started the research project of Hong Kong Preschool Fine Motor Screening (HK-PFMST) in 2016. By carefully picking 36 screening test items from 87 HK-PRMDA assessment items; recollecting and analysing the fine motor development statistics of local children aged from 30 months to 6 years, the Society calculated cut-off score of sensitivity and specificity of each age group respectively. A fine motor screening test with high distinguishability and validity is established. The HK-PFMST Examiner's Manual is complemented by Assessment Tools and available for registered occupational therapists only. More details of HK-PFMDA and HK-PFMST, please click here or refer to the Chinese version. Click here to download order form

Sensory Processing and Self-regulation Checklist ( SPSRC)
Children's sensory processing and self-regulation abilities affect their performance on self-care, games, and classroom learning. In the academic and clinical field, it's currently under a paradigm shift period to explain how children encounter difficulties in sensory stimulation. Through the newly published Sensory Processing and Self-regulation Checklist (SPSRC), Heep Hong shares its findings on the assessment and training methods for children with sensory stimulation difficulties. Between 2011 and 2012, Heep Hong Society conducted a study on 997 Hong Kong typically developing children aged 3-8 and generated a database on their sensory processing and self-regulation performance. Through SPSRC checklist, Heep Hong hopes to provide an effective and practical worksheet, to help therapists develop treatment and intervention plan for local children in need. SPSRC includes 130 checklist items, covering children's essential sensory processing and self-regulation performance under normal circumstances. SPSRC norm score can be divided into four levels, including: overall, scope, functions and factors, all together 20 score items, to analyse an individual's ability comparing to other children. Click here to download order form

Quest for Excellence in Child Rehabilitation Services – in Commemoration of 40th Anniversary
Over 30 experts and scholars in the rehabilitation service sector around the world, including Gary Mesibov, Serena Wieder, paediatricians, professionals, clinical psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, principals and social workers, contributed articles to the book to cover the rehabilitation development in four decades. This book is both theoretical and practical, and provides valuable information for research as well as reference.
- Price:
- Hong Kong order: HK$98 / HK$50

The Autistic Youth Pre-job Training Project - Self-learning CD-ROM
To help teenagers with autism find employment, Heep Hong Society has produced “The Autistic Youth Pre-job Training Project - Self-learning CD-ROM”, which throws light on job-related problems often encountered by autistic people, such as interview skills, workplace demeanor, problem-solving skills, and financial management. Depicting how autistic people react in certain scenarios and sharing coping strategies offered by professionals, the CD-ROM is set to gird autistic youth up for employment. Sharing from parents, employers and autistic peers was also included to provide viewers with a wider perspective on autistic people. Under the Autistic Youth Pre-job Training Project, Heep Hong Society, in collaboration with MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Ltd., also published a booklet entitled “A Job Opportunity for Autistic Youth” to highlight the traits and qualities of autistic people especially their capability on working in order to let employers have a better understanding of their strengths. For free copies of both the self-learning CD-ROM and booklet, please contact Hoi Fu Centre at 2777 5588.
- Price:
- To be distributed for free to participants in relevant seminars or functions.